Thursday, December 10, 2009

Atco NJ waterford township

Atco is a world in it own people here live over the rainbow this isn't part of the usa.. The police here are so corrupt as is everyone on the town board. this town is a joke . have pride in where you live.
thats the motto in can you have pride in a town when the police let you do what you want as long as they know you are or you are the scum of the else would the cops have a job... The only crime in Atco is that it even is a town. come to atco see what walks around how can people go into a court room in dirty clothes? I mean wash them or cant you afford water?The whole court system is a joke again go watch a court in session its all about money and how far you can get up the ladder to being a real lawyer in the real world. Watch the officers here how many were fired for drugs? soliciting sex to woman they stop? you can get off a ticket here just pay a hefty fine. i bet you put a cop in this town in a city I mean a real city and I guarantee they would shit in their pants. and who police the police lmao another joke they police themselves. So one of their own you will have to complain too ever hear of the code of blue??? they make up the laws as things go ... no loitering means just that but not here it means drugs?????how do you become a lawyer and dont even know what loitering means.. how can you enforce the law when you tell the police the law thats on the books and they dont even know it than tell you no it doesnt mean that. well how stupid do they think people are?? its in black and white can only mean 1 thing yet they make it to whatever suits them that people here have an education ??? can they read?? is that a requirement???look at any officer driving in Atco or towns bording atco oh wait why are they in other towns hooking up with other cops by kmart from another town... sleeping in the woods .. yes you got that they hide in the pine barrens and sleep ..wait going of course here as i was saying every cop you will see driving while talking on a cell phone yes every one high ups down... isnt that on the law in the state of nj????? but as i said atco isnt part of nj .. what about the people who work in the municipal building another joke they do nothing but drive around all day or sit home. yes drive past anyone of their homes and they will be there . drive past any cops home and yes they are there too.also why does it seem every time the cops get a call if they feel like going out there goes 1 car 2 car 3 car out of the police station day or night .. shouldnt they be out on the roads????how does a cop get away with walking away from a person who is asking them to take a compaint???yes people this is such a great town maybe someday people here will click their heels and come back to America .... i will continue this .... dont move here this town is a joke and all they want is MONEY!!!highest paid everyone yet they do NOTHING!

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